
Moving Blogs II

I forgot to ask all my private blog friends if they could add me to their lists:


Thanks again!


Moving Blogs

I've been DREADING doing this blog move. But time has come and so we taken a big step in creating our new family blog!

I know that it's such a inconvenience - but blogger doesn't let you change your primary email address. So for the past year I've had to sign-out of my gmail account, then sign in to my blogger account - which is my old hotmail account, but was used as a gmail account for blogger (weird, right?) THEN if I needed to jump back to my gmail I had to do the whole routine of sign-in and sign-out all over again. It was getting pretty annoying.

So here's the link:



Family Pictures

In the process of getting our missionary sent off my family realized that we haven't had family pictures in 3 years - which means that we've added 3 members to our family: Kairie, Isla, Tiffany (4 members including our new furry niece Sheeba)

We were so excited to do a snow picture. But there was a problem - no snow. 

Not trying to be biased or anything but she's getting so stinking CUTE! I can't even describe how much we love Isla!

Kairie is pretty darn cute too ;) It must be in the genes!

So I realized I NEVER posted about my other little brother, Travis, getting married on 11.11.2011
Tiffany had beautiful colors for the Fall, the location was beautiful @ Birch Creek Golf Course in Smithfield, tons of good looking people showed up for the event!

And here's Elder Jensen, which by the way is doing amazing at the MTC! He wrote on Tuesday:

"So I was told that the MTC was a lot like prison.... well now I'm
seriously considering breaking some laws when i get back because I
love it here."

He can read, teach lessons, and pray in Korean, and says that the language is very easy to read and spell words out! His first companion is Elder Brown who is from Arizona and they get along very well!

Since time was short (and getting everyone together, plus budget) we switched in our mom and dad - ha ha, we can laugh about it now. So here's my mom's family picture:

So thank you to Jacque for taking our photos...once again!


Isla Update

Isla turned 15 months old on January 1. She is just so fun to watch these days - always on the go. 

Height: 31 3/4" - 90th%
Weight: 22 lbs 12 oz - 60th%
Head: 45.5 cm - 45th%

She can turn on the tears in an instant:

Mommy: "Isla can you say cheese for me please???"

Isla: "Nooooooo!" then starts crying.

Oh yes. She even covers her mouth when she is upset. 

Do I have to remember not to smile when she turns on the alligator tears? Yes. Although, I was interrupting her reading quiet time. So technically it was my fault this time. 

She's a tall one - and is getting the hang of opening doors, and reaching anything she can off the countertops. 

Words she can say:
What's that?, Daddy, Momma, No, Nana (Grandma), Pa (Grandpa), Nose, Eye, Bel-Bu (Belly Button), Tickle Tickle Tickle, Eese (Please), Uh-oh

She signs:
More, Please, Help, Thank you, All done. 



We have enjoyed other people's xbox kinect and just dance 3. Isla is amazing too. She especially loves going to Sams Club and dancing with their demo model.

The KISS group dance is hilarious.

Isla gets down on the floor and rolls around to add to the dance. 

Good thing she is short enough she doesn't register on the camera and mess up the scoring.


Elder Jensen 2012-2014

Ryan was set apart at 9:30 and is officially Elder Jensen!

He will enter the MTC at 12:55 on January 11. He will spend 3 months there learning all he can about the gospel and the Korean language - keep him in your prayers! He will then travel to Daejeon, South Korea.

What an amazing experience this has been for our family. We are just so proud of him and all that he has done these past couple of months to prepare for this joyous event!


Ryan giving Isla his last "See you later" hug

In-n-out burgers

Micah's sister let us borrow their Armada (since you can only have one vehicle dropping your missionary off, so we needed one that could fit 7)  so the Hodlmair blood is UTES all the way, and the rule for any of their vehicles is that if it goes into Utah County they must sport Ute flags, magnets, etc. So we pulled up in the Ute mobile and the MTC people were loving teasing Ryan - one asked him to as we were pulling in:  "Don't they have another MTC for you people?" ha ha

sniff, sniff, there he goes!

he'll be in the MTC until March 26 so if you want to write him:
Elder Ryan Scott Jensen 
Provo MTC 
2005 N 900 E MTC Box #121
Provo UT, 84604


Classic Santa Portrait

Not even a cookie and a present could make this little girl smile.