
Happy Halloween!! This year Micah was a giant hotdog, and I was the 2009 World Hot Dog Eating Champion. Our great friends, Misty and Colton, had there awesome Halloween party, complete with yummy food, a costume competition, and a game of "Murder in the Dark"

Some of the funny costume, White trash people, and Dog the Bounty Hunter with wife Beth.

We were almost a banana and monkey too, but we couldn't find the banana costume anywhere! Good thing, or else we would have copied the host and hostess!

Misty is seriously the cutest lil' monkey! With her gorgeous big eyes, and how petite she is!

Happy Halloween to all!


...bathtime=fun hair time...

Yes...you can say i'm a mean Aunt...but I just can't help it! ha ha. I found a Kairie look alike. I was trying so hard to remember what her hair reminded me of...

Remember the most amazing old time shows: Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer, Santa Claus Is Comin To Town, and of course The Year Without a Santa Claus: The Heat Miser! Not that Kairie is anything like the Heat Miser, she's so sweet and cuddly. Her hair just resembles his.

Love you Kairie-baby!!


...fun weekend in cache valley...

Ok, ok, ok. This isn't Cache Valley, but this started off a fantastic weekend. The Platt girls decided to do Witches Night out @ Gardner Village. This place is amazing!!! There was the funnest witches costumes, I'm talking like hundreds and hundreds of dollars worth of witches costumes that these ladies put into.

Saturday we got in Cache Valley in time for the 3rd and 4th quarter of the USU vs. Nevada game...we almost won...but it was fun to hangout with our all time bestest friends, The Bennett's. We love these guys so much, but hardly get to see them anymore. We met this couple in our first apartment, Legacy Village, they lived beneath us (sorry, micah does stomp)

It was so so hot! Poor Sara and I were in boots, pants, and sweaters. The boys definently got the message of shorts, and t-shirts. Then the student section is faced towards the sun, this is our squint and smile photo!

We got to hangout with the Oates too, but no photo :(

We got some Kairie time in!! She's grown so big, and I just love love her hair! She's so chill and content with being held :)

She is such a lady. This is how she holds her hands when she is drinking her bottle. Darling!

Uncle Micah was educating her about some football. She was almost liking it...

After her bottle, of course it was time for a nap! But this isn't any baby we're talking about. She isn't very fond of being held like a regular baby, so she was happy falling asleep like this:

Ashley was standing by when I asked her if she had just spit up down my arm...She bent down to see, "Ummm...she's asleep, and it's drool..." ha ha.

See all her hair? It even has some highlights on the ends ;)

Bathtime!! yeah! I like to mold the hair all crazy. From her regular faux-hawk to mohawk!!

Grandpa Kenny and Monkeygirl Kairie

Time for Grandma Aftons dinner! We're so excited!

Sunday night we rushed down to get Bill's birthday pie to him!

Bill couldn't remember the last time he got to blow out candles!

Yeah for the Birthday Boy!!

Here's my adopted guys: Bill and Blake!


OoooooOOooooOOOO This is Halloween

So Tawni was being a stinker pouting about me going to the gym
and not being able to go to a punkin patch and pick pumpkins.
So I hurried home and got ready and took her to an amazing spot
on 90th South and State Street.

We arrived with pumpkins galore, and me looking daring as
the incredible search was about to take place.
So I teamed up with my sidekick
(or vice versa as she always says yeah yeah yeah)
and we were off!!!!
Side Kick

We looked and looked found funny pictures and a crazy bat
and a scarecrow with hardly any brains.
After searching and avoiding most of the evil creatures
There It Was!!!!!!
The Butt Pumpkin!! Glorious and Wondrous to behold!!!
As you can see it has a toosh there on the back
ha ha ha we laughed for a while about that
So much in fact Tawni Kissed it ha ha ha ha ha hilarious!
BuTT wait it wasn't over. The evil pumkin carney folk put a spell
on Tawni and I, pitting us against each other,
forcing us to battle in the Evil Obstacle Course of DEATH!!
The only way to break the curse
(and win a $1 dollar bet from the carney)
was to beat Tawni and exit victorious.
Fortunately I was able to subdue the wicked evil enchanted Tawni
and exited the champion
forever releasing her from the Pumpkin Haze!!!!!
Happy Halloween!!!!


...a friendly get together...

This past Saturday I got a chance to go up to Cache Valley. We got to celebrate one of my best friends pregnancy's! Shaughnessy is going to be having a little boy, Ryon Beckham?! Bingham (ha ha, just kidding they don't know the middle name yet, Kirk just loves soccer).

From left to right around the table, Shaughnessy, Erin, Kristi, Heidi, Me, Whitney.

Whitney is going to be graduating from BYU in nursing soon!

Here's the prego! I can't count how many pictures we have of us...but i'm sure it could be a timeline of our history together! ha ha.

...the starting of Halloween...

Aaahh! This is the first Halloween that we have started to really get into decorating. Micah surprised me by carving this cut lil' pumpkin into a scary jack o'lantern! ha ha. ok...it wasn't that scary...it's too little & cute to be scary!

We had a wonderful afternoon of cleaning windows, and then hanging this amazing spider web up, they stretch so far!

I'm almost too scared to enter our garage now...

We're still debating on what we're going to be for Halloween...we have a couple of ideas going on in our heads...but you'll have to stay posted to see what we decide!


Update & The Boys

Eeeww....i love seeing these types of carved pumpkins. But this is seriously how I feel right now. I can honestly say I really don't like Fall. This is round two for me and the stomach flu/cold. And if you all know me, I am NOT a happy camper when I am sick.

Here is the boys, from left to right, micah, blake, bill, and mike (mike is bill's brother, and is visiting this past weekend). Micah, Blake, and Bill all work at Auto Owner's Insurance, and they have become best buds these past few weeks. Blake has now started calling me "Mom" cause I always have food and dessert for them.

Here is micah and blake, they seriously are two of a kind. They are singing right now. I have also learned that they have a big appetite, because they are big boys. Blake calls Micah "Dad" because Micah knows random things off the top of his head, like a dad does. They have also started working out together, Blake played for Oregon State as an Offensive Lineman, and he also knows some sort of weird word that I can't spell, gzit-zoo....something like that.
Bill is what holds these two wanderers to the ground. He is the more "responsible" one of the group. But he's the most ticklish guy I have ever met! He obviously didn't have any mean uncles to tickle it out of him when he was little. He also hates pictures taken of him, and doesn't like green food. So whenever I make a casserole, or something with veggies in it, I leave a section "green-free".

Tika and the love of her ball. She loves these balls that we found at Ikea for $1.99, 6 months ago! These are seriously the best, she usually tears balls up within 2 weeks of having them, but these have lasted. She will never share with Stumpy, and she has to have both of them right by her at all times (the other ball is behind her). But she can't fit them both in her mouth, so this is a problem when "Daddy" and "Mommy" try and take them from her.