
it's official...

most of my pants don't fit.

i tried on THREE different pairs of work pants this morning, and one of them didn't even come close to buttoning up.

but, most of them are from express which are non stretchy, form fitting work pants.

onto belly bands and stretchable fabrics.


busy weekend

hello! so we've had an eventful week with finding out about isla, homework, sunday lessons, sacrament talks, and micah ran into some wasps.

first off: the belly pic. 16 weeks. i'm getting there!
{micah was telling me to push it out as far as i could go}

second: micah picked up the hose in the garage and was attacked by three hornets/wasps. we had thought the swelling would have gone down. but by this morning it had swelled up even more.

we got into the doctor and found out that it was infected and that if he hadn't of gone in it would have kept on swelling to the point the skin would have broke, or it would have infected another part of his body. {poor guy, he's at home sleeping now}

saturday and sunday were CRAZY. they snagged micah and i to do sacrament talks on coming closer to Heavenly Father, his son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. then i was teaching in young women's on temple marriage, and micah was teaching the priests about the atonement. micah's dad was also teaching gospel doctrine class...so it was pretty much "platt sunday" at our church.

not to mention homework.

we are grateful for everything we got to do. but we didn't mind the naps on sunday either.

this coming week? micah and i teach the combined young men's and young women's on dancing. we have to learn a dance to teach them {by tonight too!} i'm thinking the electric slide?


it's a...


we're so excited to be having a healthy little isla karla platt.

they've moved our due date again: october 8 {it was oct 20}

i'm 16 weeks along, and everything is looking great!

she didn't want to show us anything for awhile, but after a trip to the bathroom and the technician jabbing around, she decided to stretch out. then her little dainty legs were crossed. finally she decided to break and we caught it on camera :)

apparently it was nap time and she was just fine curled up in a little ball.

weight: 5 oz
size: 4 inches, size of an apple

my friend laura was confused at how to pronounce her name. so i'll try and explain ;) it's the scottish/irish version, the "isl" is silent as in island, and isle. micah says it in the spanish version and pronounces the "is" in the name (silly micah) it's like he went to mexico on his mission or something like that?? lol

micah is ecstatic! he really wanted a baby girl, and called it a month ago. i was happy either way, and am just glad everything looks good! i guess we'll have to get a belly pic up on here and start documenting that!



i have no musical ability. none. zip. zilch. nada.

...except for playing the radio pretty well...

so i was so thankful when david and gaye's family accepted me with loving arms anyways.

but we had to find something that we all could all enjoy and relate to!
then along came GLEE and it was a perfect match.

the second season aired last night. and i'm so glad that we have a show to watch. after all american idol, and dancing with the stars are just sooo not worth my time.


San Diego & A Wedding :)

One of my best friends is getting hitched! Kiersten Rush (far right) has set a date for June 26! I'm so excited for her and her man :) So I'll be getting a mini-vacation to go and see her wedding in San Diego!

This is the night before our wedding @ Beni Hana's (spelling?) and we ended up sitting next to the 2007 X Games Gold medalist. He was so nice when he found out that we were getting married the next day and offered to buy drinks for us...but Micah nicely explained that we were getting married in the LDS Temple there in SLC and didn't drink, so the guy improvised and bought us sodas :) Not to mention that the 3 of us girls weren't 21 yet...

Laura (left of Kiersten) and I go waaayyy back. We met in Washington D.C. in 2003 as exchange students going to France. We were friends from the start, she lives in Maryland and has two kiddos.

Kiersten and I met in 2006 at the singles ward in San Diego California while I was a nanny. Even though I barely had anytime off, she was such a great friend and would always wait for me to get off work to play.

Yes, Kiersten drove from California for the wedding, and Laura flew in 2 days before! (i'm so glad all my other friends drove down to SLC too)

Is it weird that two of my bestest friends live on the opposite sides of the United States?! That's ok by me, because whenever we travel Micah and I have a place to stay on the East and West coast!

But thanks to Kiersten for letting me come down to San Diego for a bit of a break from Utah!



We're in limbo right now. So that leaves me a lot of time to think about where we'll end up. Now that I have had time to think about it, the future is scary! But then I find a picture like the one above and it makes me feel better. Micah and I are always smiling, so the future shouldn't be as scary when we're together, right? {Micah had just hit me in the head...on accident of course, but we just laughed}

But now that we have a little bun in the oven there's even MORE to think about. There's a few things that I had wanted to be done, such as school. Now I'm not regretting that I'm not graduated, I never liked people who always looked back and thought "what if..." It's my own fault that I'm not graduated yet. Not that I'm going to stop after I have the baby either, it just puts a delay in plans.

We're also living with Micah's parents, which we are so grateful for, because we have had the opportunity to pay off bills, and start saving. But sometimes I get so frustrated at where this is all leading to! We know we'll be here for another 4 months. So that's a start somewhere, right?

Then what will I do for a career once I graduate? I was a nanny, well...more like the mother and father for this family in California. So I definitely know that I do not want a full time job with somebody caring for my children. But I do know that I want a part time gig doing something, something that is beneficial to me, something that makes me feel successful, and of course something that will use my hard earned work at college (what's the point of getting a degree if I'm not going to use it?)

Then I remember of what my parents did for me. I slept in a drawer with a pillow in it when I was an infant. I didn't know the difference, I was happy, clean, and loved. My parents didn't have a concrete plan, other than my dad working full time to provide, that was about it. SoWHY in the world am I worrying sooo much?! I really don't know. But I do know that I will graduate from USU, that we will end up in our own home, that we will have a child here soon, that we have friends and family who love us, and lots of pictures of Micah and I smiling. And that's good enough for me right now!


An Easter Surprise

We had one of the most relaxing and wonderful weekends! It was one of those busy, but not rushed, kind of weekends. We always had something to do, and we got to relax in between the activities!

Micah got an early start with having Good Friday off @ work, and we left to Logan after I got off work. We visited family, got to have some good Cafe Rio with one of our best friends The Oates and their newborn baby Oliver, and chatted the night away :)

Saturday was busy with cooking, eating, having an indoor Easter egg hunt, chatting again, and watching "Clash of the Titans" with dinner following at Olive Garden with my dad and Teri. We had one late night! (Oh and Micah escaped to go to Priesthood in between all of that!)

Sunday had a great start with some omelettes made by Micah, conference, and golfing!

But the best part was we got to hand out our Easter eggs to everyone!!

YEP! We're prego :) 3 months this week and everything is looking great! I've gotten lucky so far with nausea (knock on wood) and I have a "slight" pooch as Micah calls it ;) We'll find out if it's PINK or BLUE on April 21st!