
disappearing act

My belly button is looking pretty silly. Micah is constantly pointing at it and laughing.

Now I'm just waiting for the stretch marks that will soon come. Could I be that lucky not to get them?!

I can only wish upon a star at this point.

In other news I was being selfish. Looking at baby things has made my eye wander just a bit. I feel that our room needs a new color palette.

A new duvet cover from West Elm:

Some pretty glass lamps by our bed:

And some fun bright colorful pillows:

Ok ok. I'm wishing on that star again.

P.S. We're going to get started on the crib this week! Micah actually loved the crib in the post below. Go figure.


nursery room

Micah and i have found an apartment. he will be here in utah as some people in his department have quit/moved making micah the guy with having more than 6 months training under his belt. but it's all great knowing where baby platt will be born and having family around :)

Onto the apartment! we have been discussing what will happen when my income will no longer be helping (at least for a couple of months) so we obviously needed a place that would be cheap inexpensive and nice. we also still need to contribute to our savings for a house next year too (yeah!)

So our solution here in the salt lake valley was a basement apartment. man oh man was that a scary experience. some of those basements out there i wouldn't let an animal live in, let alone a human! you may be asking "why a basement apartment?"

  • all utilities included
  • nicer neighborhoods
  • no apartment stairs to the top floor
We found a great apartment yesterday evening. the family is so nice, the dad is actually a seminary teacher at SLCC, and the house is a newer one. it's a 1 1/2 bedroom 1 bath, washer dryer included, all utilities including satellite and internet, separate entrance, and lots of storage.

The funny part is the 1/2 bedroom...technically it's not really a bedroom because it has no window. it's more of a huge walk in closet. but it will work out great for a little nursery for now.

So onto the nursery decorating. it's a bit dark because there is now window. i had fallen in love with this nursery before:

Charming and sophisticated. but then i had to go on the search again for something bright, because the room would look like a cave with the darker gray/blue on the walls. then i ran into this nursery:

The robin egg blue paint. the yellow crib (ok ok i'll have to convince micah of that one) the white crisp bedding, and the fun mix of prints on the fabrics. i love it.

We can't wait until we get our own house. but that requires a lot of planning and saving (and my income would be a little helpful too!) so that is one of our main goals! soo jealous of those of you who have houses ;) but since you worked hard to get into your houses, you deserve it!


20 weeks

we're at the half-way point this week!
  • we had our appointment on wednesday and everything is looking great. baby isla likes to be curled up in a ball whenever the technician is taking a look, so i get jabbed in the stomach a lot to get her to move.
  • isla's stats:
  • weight: 12 oz
  • length: size of a banana
  • tawni's stats:
  • weight gained so far: 6 lbs
  • belly measurement: 35 1/2 inches
  • everything is going great. i had my first round with acid reflex yesterday night after some cafe rio. guess i'm not gonna try that again!
  • and i also have to mention that i feel like a retard taking belly pictures. how do you pose?! (i was talking to micah as he was taking this picture) ha ha


10 things

thanks rebecca!
Terms of this award: must list 10 things about yourself, thank the person who gave you this award and pass it on to 10 wonderful bloggers.

1. I was a nail-biter when I was young. Gross, I know. So now I get really conscious of my nails.

2. I will try any food at least once. That way if I have tried it, then Micah can't say to me "Well you can't knock it until you try it." For example when we went to Key West, Florida and I tried FIVE different kinds of key lime pie (and still didn't like it) Micah will never make me try key lime pie again.

3. I'm not a sentimental person with keeping things. If I haven't used it in 6 months or more then it's finding a new home. Of course things such as baby blessing outfits, silverware, my dad's book of mormon he carried in the army, jewelry, etc. is very different than clothes, and things that get stuffed in a junk drawer/closet.

4. I believe in second chances. If I were to live my life holding grudges then I wouldn't be a very happy person. So I always make sure to give people another chance.

5. I love remodeling. Love it. In fact, if Micah and I were to find a house that was a fixer-upper I would be in heaven. I wouldn't mind living in sawdust for a couple of months.

6. I enjoy golfing. Something that I can do with my hubby, dad, and brothers is always a plus. I also hear from them that I'm pretty good...for a girl ;)

7. I get random headaches and migraines out of nowhere. When I was 8 years old, my younger brother opened up the truck door while I was leaning against it, and I fell out head first onto gravel. We did a CAT scan, MRI, saw some specialists, and there was nothing they could find that was causing my random headaches/migraines.

8. I was a tom-boy growing up. I even wore boys shirts when I wasn't in a frilly dress and bows. I grew up riding dirt bikes, four wheelers, snowmobiling, camping, fishing, and loved every minute of it. My mom didn't know what to do with me.

9. I am usually wearing high-heels and wedges. I am short at 5'3" but people don't realize that until I'm in flip flops and standing next to Micah. He's almost a foot taller than me.

10. I can't wait to be a mom. It's going to be so much different than being a full-time nanny. I'll make my own rules and figure out stuff along the way. I'm especially intrigued at what our parenting style will be.

I tag:
1. Ren
2. Shaughnessy
3. Brittany
4. Dani
5. Ellen
6. Chelse
7. Kristin
9. Brooke
10. Sierra


worn out

sometimes i think we choose to be so busy that we get worn out. so can i still complain that i'm just so tired?

yes, i think so.

but good news is that we got some updates on tika and stumpy (story is the post below) and they are doing fantastic in their new home.

we also are looking at apartment rentals. micah will be staying here in utah for a little bit. his department at work has lost 2 experienced people, so that leaves micah having a bit more experience than the others. but that's ok, we now know where Baby I will be born and what's going on *sigh of relief*

I am now half way through pregnancy! 20 week appointment is this wednesday. things are still doing great, i can feel her wiggling around a lot more.

we've been so blessed by all our friends and family with their generous gifts.
  • micah's sister brittany has two adorable girls and has plenty of clothes to spare, and bathtub :) thanks Brit!
  • his other sister camie is so excited that we're having a baby...but too bad it wasn't a boy, because they supposedly have a room full in the basement full of boy stuff. but she has a swing, baby bouncer, pack-n-play.
  • my sister ashley has lots of the clothes and baby girl toys to give us.
  • micah's parents have the crib
  • we are helping micah's co-worker move out of their rental (one of the experienced workers that auto-owners is losing) and she gave us a medela breast pump that she tried out, but concluded breast feeding wasn't her thing. (but we'll take free things that are worth a lot of $)
and it looks like i have some baby showers lined up this summer thanks to Brit, Shaughnessy, my sis-in-law Rachel, and Grandma Afton. i'll just be excited to see everyone and be thankful for anything that comes our way ;) and if she's my daughter she can never have too much clothes!

i don't have pictures of our busy weekend...i seemed to have misplaced my camera...whoops. but i'll post them once i find the little bugger.


our hearts are sad

we've cried all the tears we have. our hearts are a little broken.

micah and i decided that tika and stumpy needed a better home than what we were able to give them. they have been living in a their crate for 22+ hours a day. both micah and i were working and it was just breaking our hearts to see them live like that.

when we lived up in logan the living costs were much lower with renting a place and being dog owners. my family was also all around the valley and many of them were dog owners themselves, so we could always find someone to take care of them if their was an emergency or last minute plans.

with baby isla on the way we couldn't find an affordable nice place that we could do without my income. it was looking like we would be spending $900 and up with tika and stumpy.

after talking and then praying the answer came yesterday morning. i had let them out to run around and do their business before i went to work. they obviously were more interested in playing with each other than going to the bathroom. after 10 minutes of this i was playing with them. and it was like the answer struck me right there and then. this playing around was what they needed. they needed a house to live in. they needed to run around playing with each other. they needed someone to be around playing with them.

i posted an ad on ksl that afternoon. within 10 minutes i had 4 calls and 2 texts.

God had answered our prayers. He sent us a family of four that had a silver miniature schnauzer already. a big backyard. a doggy door installed. and a mom who stayed at home.

here's a little tribute to our first "children"


you were born on october 7, 2007. we brought you home when you were 6 weeks old. you used to crawl behind the cushions of our couch and go to sleep, we had to be careful not to squish you when we sat down. you had an allergic reaction once and your tiny face puffed up so big. that was scary. we found out that we could give you some children's benadryl and you were fine.

you loved loved loved playing with toys. but you chewed up everything. until we found ikea balls that were indestructible. you loved chewing gum like a person. you loved everyone as long as they were paying attention to you.

you were definitely smarter than stumpy. a true dog. you loved running, swimming, and playing with everyone.

thanks for being such an amazing dog.


born on january 15 2008 you were the biggest of your litter. micah had to talk me into coming to see you. but once i saw how you were like a little micah, all rolly-polly and buff you were already ours. we brought you home on march 22, 2008 and you couldn't be left alone from there on out.

you were definitely micah's dog. you followed him everywhere. you would whine when he would leave your sight. but when he wasn't around you would follow me around the house while i was doing chores, i seemed to be good enough for you then. you were so soft and cuddly and weren't really interested in toys. just people.

you were not a barker, which was great since tika was. you had the cutest little bark when you were trying to get our attention.

thanks for being so gentle and calm.

tiksters and stumpykins will always be a part of our family. and we're so sad that we couldn't provide the home you needed. but we're so so so so glad that you can finally run around in your own home and be spoiled even more.

love you guys!


Momma's Day Part II

happy momma's day from the platt side! here's micah's mom, sisters, and grandma.

the delicious cake from mrs. backer's bakery (spelling?) that gaye ordered for us. look at those amazing flowers that are all frosting!

grandma pink has been doing amazing. she had knee surgery recently and has been using a walker. but the physical therapist gave her the go ahead for using a cane!

so what did gaye find?! none other than a bling bling pink cane! great find gaye!

here's grandpa stuke and grandma pink! it's amazing to see how in love they still are! grandpa stuke got her some pretty flowers for mother's day.

there's little isla! she decided to pop out this week! we're 18 weeks along and still doing great.

Busy Saturday

  • we started our saturday with the 5K race for the cure that gaye and david's family do. we had so much fun reading all the clever t-shirts and seeing all the cancer survivors.
  • we got home and micah mowed the lawn, we then cleaned platt insurance agency, and went mother's day shopping.
  • after a quick shower we were on our way up to layton to meet up with my dad and brother ryan to golf at valley view. being pregnant hasn't seemed to affect my golfing, and didn't bother little isla. in fact she'll be on a golf course as soon as she can walk - courtesy of micah, my dad, and brothers :)
  • silly micah, see what concentration i have when golfing?!
the baby brother. ironically our beatings and teasings when he was little only made him grow up to be the biggest of us all.

my dad and micah beat out the young guy in driving the ball the farthest! good job old men!

we had some yummy dinner at tepankyaki. the chef was amazing! even better than beni hanna's. that concluded our busy, yet fun saturday.

good thing isla is keeping up!

Momma's Day

  • *note: my mom hates having her picture taken. this is the only one that i could get without her hands over her face.
    *also it won't let me enter between paragraphs. so that's why it's bulleted.

  • to my momma on this mother's day of 2010!
  • she lives down in tuba city arizona and i miss her. her constant teasing. her cheerfulness. the way she's not afraid to befriend anyone. and i miss the little arguments that we would get into, but in the end we would hug and laugh about it. she raised 4 kiddos while my dad was away at work for most of our childhoods.
  • she was even our elementary mascot: a panda bear.
  • i love how she taught me to be myself. to not look down on anyone because of where they came from. to be generous. to be organized and clean. to laugh when things get rough. to find the good in all people.and teaching me to do simple household duties: ironing, cooking, cleaning....ok ok maybe not those ones as much...
  • i love her.
  • so happy momma's day to all the momma's out there! thanks for all you do.


we l.o.v.e logan

logan will always hold a special place in our hearts. it's where we met. our first kiss. where micah proposed to me. where we started our lives as a married couple. our first home. utah state university. basketball games. friends that will last a lifetime. and it's where i grew up.

we love salt lake too. it's just nice to get back up to where we're both comfortable and we can leave the house at 5:00 p.m. and not have as much traffic as salt lake.

my dad and siblings live in providence {right outside of logan} and we love to visit. my sister's baby, kairie, is now 9 months and is so spoiled with love. she's a growler. and micah loves playing with her. we can't wait to meet our little girl.

micah loves my dad's work. it's a giant playplace for grown up men. my dad owns a cnc swiss machining shop. he makes medical parts for the body. back screws. bone screws. the device that puts the screws in the body. and even screws that go up into space on shuttles. he's a metal expert. my dad gets to design these parts on the computer and then has to make a program for the machines to use them. HE actually uses GEOMETRY all the time {see? some people in the world use that stuff} i obviously did not get that mathematic genius gene. darn.

but it's the TOYS that he gets to use for the shop that makes it so neat. air compressors. milling machines. sandblasters. microscopes. craftsman toolboxes everywhere. computers in every corner. lathes. a forklift. micah is in guy heaven with all the fun stuff. me? i like the plastic gloves that they have to use to handle all the medical parts. but my dad just got a new toy for the shop. and i'm pretty sure a little birdie told him what i wanted for my upcoming birthday...

isn't she perty? i have been talking to micah about a canon digital slr camera for awhile now. BUT if i get this guy then i can "borrow" my dad's micro lens that costs more than the camera body itself:

you see i told my dad and micah that i "needed" it. you know with the baby coming and all that. and with this micro lens with image stabilizing i can get all the cute fine details of the fingernails and lips. sure the lens that the camera will come with will do just fine. and with the addition of my ever growing knowledge of photoshop i could do wonderful things ;) i just remind my dad and micah that a girl likes the fun toys too.