It was a success! I was so excited when I called in, because the advertisement was for 6 months and older. But she l.o.v.e.s bathtime and micah was a swim instructor and said the earlier the better - only because they learn to relax in the water when they're really little.
I felt a little bad when I put her under the water the first time, she came up sputtering and looking at me with a glare in her eyes, pretty sure she was saying "What the HE*% are you thinking mom?! Why would you do that?!"
But the instructor assured us moms that when we're doing this it's teaching them to close there mouths under water, and to kick upwards. But she did great after the first dunk, those babies are quick learners...
And we're happy to report that she was the top floater of her class. You hold the baby's head in your hands - feet pointing the other way - while you're looking straight down at them smiling and talking calmly. Isla was at an advantage because she doesn't know what it's like to sit up all the time, most of her time is laying down (the instructor told us this) But we'll still claim she was the top floater ;)