

The Aggies had a chance to play BYU Saturday night needless to say the score was a little high.... 111-3, but Micah scored those 3 points :) that was exciting. BYU is just one amazing team, but it was alright because we didn't mind BYU. UVU last week was horrible! Horrible mean fans, and dirty players!!
I have watched a total of 8 Rugby games, and I have to say that I've got the Rugby bug. I don't understand all the rules, yet, but I can tell when it is a penalty kick, the ruck, scrum, and line out. Rugby is really fun to watch, but I have to admit I cringe at the hard hits!! I even tell Micah to be nice to the other team!! I would hate if anything were happening to Micah as I was watching :(
So good job and great effort to the Aggies!! Love you baby!

1 comment:

abichristi said...

I've never seen a rugby game, but I think I could really get into it! And way to go Micah keeping the score from being 111-0!
I always tell Luke to play a bloody, rough game, but then when he comes home with a gash I start demanding to know who did it!