

I love Easter! Sadly Micah had to work that morning/afternoon, so it was up to me and my little brother Ryan (AKA: Poo-bear) to hide the Easter eggs from the cousins. We were excited to hide some them...until we found out that the lil' cousins got 32 eggs each!!! Ridiculous, that's what me and ryan thought. So we decided to hide them in more creative places (after all since 3 of the 4 were under the age of 4 the parents were really going to be looking).

Here's how the parents hid the eggs, too simple we thought:

So Ryan got some tape and a ladder:

This one was for Jeremy, and his dad was tall, so in the tree it went!!

After they found all the eggs we had some fun. Here's Ryan and Neil:

Ha ha, favorite picture: Aubrey glaring at Ryan.

Counting to make sure all the eggs were there:

Aubrey and Gina with there prizes:

Neil and Ryan playing some basketball:

1 comment:

Ellen Oates said...

Those Easter eggs are very fun colors! 36 eggs each is very crazy. Halle got about 15 or less! haha Poor deprived child! It looks like you had a nice Easter with family, but I agree, it would have been even better with Micah's presence. He always makes any place he is at more fun.