I have 3 other siblings, there's two girls and two boys. The order is: Ashley, Me, Travis, Ryan. All very close in age (1 year apart, and Ryan is 2 years behind travis). Here's us and our dad the day #4 was born:

Tawni memory #1:
Since we are all close in age, my mom had us all potty-trained in record time (My grandma still doesn't know how she did this) by age 2 we were all pros at using the potty.
My mom would always remind us before we went anywhere to not go the bathroom in our pants. This special day we were in Sears and I had to go, luckily there was an assortment of toilets in Sears to go to the bathroom in. So I picked one out and went potty right there in the Sears display toilet.
I didn't understand plumbing when I was 2, and the best part was my mom couldn't be mad at me because I didn't go to the bathroom in my pants, and she didn't know what else to do but laugh.
Micah has 2 older sisters, Camie and Brittany. All spaced 3 years apart, and Cam and Brit were just "angels" as Micah puts it. Gaye had no idea what boys really do, since she had no boy cousins her age, no brothers, no uncles, and two girls before Micah she was a little confused as to why Micah did what he did.
Micah memory #1:
Gaye: "Micah, what don't you understand about the word 'NO'??"
Micah: "The 'N'."
Another time:
Gaye: "How many times do I have to tell you?"
Micah: "3,208."
Sorry I don't have a scanner to post pictures of Micah when he was little, but here's one from Sophomore year of college. In the lime green.
Location: In Shopko shopping for a coat for Ashley.
FYI: My mom had bought me a coat a week earlier, and I loved The Wizard of Oz.
Age: 4
Me: "I want a coat!"
Maisie: "You just got a coat last week."
Me: "I like this one better!"
Maisie: "No tawns."
Throwing myself on the Shopko floor I scream out:
Cue my mom picking me up in one arm, and storming out of Shopko.
Micah memory #2:
Now I'm going to try and re-tell this to the best of my memory.
Location: Micah's house in SLC.
The Platt's had pet rabbits in the backyard. The cage/pen they were in was too high for Micah to reach. The rabbits kept getting out of the cage, and they would hide in the very back corner of the deck, so no one could reach them.
One day a rabbit got out and Gaye and the girls couldn't catch the lil' bugger to get him back in. While Gaye was teaching piano, Micah decided it was his mission to catch the rabbit. Well he succeeded, but the problem was he couldn't put the rabbit back in the cage because it was too high.
Gaye gets done teaching, and Micah excitedly tells her the adventure of catching the rabbit. Gaye is so excited and proud of him too, and asks where the rabbit is.
Micah: "I putt-eded in my room." he replied.
Oh good childhood stories for both of us.
Cute idea for a post, love your stories... you wicked old witch! :)
Love all the stories!!! You look so cute in your little pink and blue striped outfit...your dad did a pretty good job dressing everyone! I loved Wizard of Oz too! Classic.
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