
San Diego & A Wedding :)

One of my best friends is getting hitched! Kiersten Rush (far right) has set a date for June 26! I'm so excited for her and her man :) So I'll be getting a mini-vacation to go and see her wedding in San Diego!

This is the night before our wedding @ Beni Hana's (spelling?) and we ended up sitting next to the 2007 X Games Gold medalist. He was so nice when he found out that we were getting married the next day and offered to buy drinks for us...but Micah nicely explained that we were getting married in the LDS Temple there in SLC and didn't drink, so the guy improvised and bought us sodas :) Not to mention that the 3 of us girls weren't 21 yet...

Laura (left of Kiersten) and I go waaayyy back. We met in Washington D.C. in 2003 as exchange students going to France. We were friends from the start, she lives in Maryland and has two kiddos.

Kiersten and I met in 2006 at the singles ward in San Diego California while I was a nanny. Even though I barely had anytime off, she was such a great friend and would always wait for me to get off work to play.

Yes, Kiersten drove from California for the wedding, and Laura flew in 2 days before! (i'm so glad all my other friends drove down to SLC too)

Is it weird that two of my bestest friends live on the opposite sides of the United States?! That's ok by me, because whenever we travel Micah and I have a place to stay on the East and West coast!

But thanks to Kiersten for letting me come down to San Diego for a bit of a break from Utah!


ren said...

Your besties are major cuties! and how fun will a vacay in San Diego be?! Soak up the sun for me!
I hope you're feeling good! Baby bump yet?

K S & R said...

Yay for Kiersten!