
Busy Holiday Season

After the Highschool Party on Friday, Isla and I hurried down to SLC so that Mommy and Daddy could catch the Christmas Concert with the MOTAB Choir, Orchestra at Temple Square with guests David Archuleta and Michael York.

We met up with some great friends to eat at the Red Butte Cafe (so yum) before the concert.

Natalie, Me, and Stephanie.
While we were at the concert my beautiful nieces, Megan (below), and Cassidy watched Isla. We decided we would keep Megan for an extra day, and were spoiled with a "nanny". Megan was so great with Isla, I didn't change a diaper for two whole days! Isla enjoyed the time too with all the attention.

On Monday we met at Temple Square so that Megan could go home. So we got to look at the pretty lights and take a family pic.

Here's my other niece Cassidy, and nephew Tyler. They're getting so old! (17 & 16)

We attended a neighborhood Christmas Party at Micah's parents, and Michael and Halle Platt, came along too. Here's Michael and Isla chilling on the couch upstairs.

I've had to get calendars out for work, so micah helped me out with stuffing and stamping them:

I got to meet up with some of my great friends from Highschool, the Whitney's. Whitney (Francom) Crowther, and Whitney Johnson. We had a great time talking, and laughing about where life has taken us.


Jake and Lena B. said...

OH so fun!!! We need a high school party in Cali baby!!!! I missed it :(

RileyandChristinaShaw said...

Looks like a fun time:) I'm so happy I ran into you at the Gym:) We definitely need to get together since we live two minutes apart:)

Megan said...

Looks like you had a great Christmas season!