
24 Years Old

So it's been a pretty busy Summer already!! I had my 24th birthday on July 11 - and was spoiled with lots of loves from my family!

Micah's present to me was the trip to Maryland to see one of my bestest friends get married. We met July 2003 when we were both exchange students to France for our Junior year.

She flew out here to Utah for my wedding in 2007:

She got married in a beautiful bed and breakfast in Havre de Grace Maryland on July 2. It was so fun to see her and the beautiful East Coast!

But the best present is my little girl Isla. She gave me extra kisses and snuggles on my birthday. But she made sure that she got some treats on my birthday.

Wow. 24 years old. That shouldn't seem older, but now that I'm a mom i feel older!


Calling all Barbie-ians

Micah and I love to visit estate/garage sales. Sometimes just to get out of the house. We had visited 4 garage sales before we hit the "jackpot" as I called it.

I know most of you will appreciate our $20 find:

Oh yes it's a whole Fisher-Price kitchen set. I'm sure most of you played with these when you were little. My grandma still has her set at her house.

Included in the $20 was a random Barbie box. But now that I have dived in to clean and sterilize everything, I've realized how many parts Barbie things have to them.

I've figured out most of the sets. But what the heck are these yellow things to?!?!

Pretty sure that us fellow "Barbie-ians" need a playdate to put all the pieces together. My memory isn't that great after all these years.

Isla is going to get tired of mommy joining in on her playdates in the future.



Isla had her first boating trip with Papa Dave and Grandma Gaysie. She did great and had so much fun watching everyone!

Here's my favorite pic of Isla this Summer. I love the hair.

Here's her two teeth she has so far:

Micah has so much fun being a daddy. He does some of the most random things with her, such as making pirate hats and swords out of newspapers.

Isla: "Walk the plank daddy!"


9 Months

9 Months Old

Weight: 20.5 lbs 76%tile
Height: 28 in 64%tile
Head: 17.5 in 60%tile

We've been neglecting the blog! It must be Summer because you can always find Isla in her carrier hiking around with us.

Traveling up to Logan to help Grandpa Kenny with computer stuff....ok she more bangs on the keyboard and shoves it off the desk. But it's alright, because Grandpa K says it's ok, and I can do whatever I want with him.

She is also crawling everywhere trying to keep up with BFF Boston. Pulling herself up everywhere, walking along the furniture, and all that jazz.

We just love being around her, she is a very happy thing and still has her chunky cheeks!