
Boo Mother Nature!!!!

Okay...seriously?!?! What in the world is up with all this snow?!?! I know it's April Fools Day, but this is one of those cruel pranks.

I got up early to study for a test that I had at 8:30 this morning, and surprise, surprise, there's 3 inches of snow on the jeep!! I then frantically tried to look for the snow brush and I couldn't find it!!! So I had to use my arms. So instead of having 1.5 hours of studying, I got 1 hour of studying in.

I'm sure that Micah will be mad at me for not waking him up and to clear off all the snow, but he needs his sleep, and it's not like I was late for the test. After the test was over I had an hour break until my next class and I made the mistake of looking at the weather forecast...the snow's not over yet. So this is to you Mother Nature...BOO!!!


Ellen Oates said...

I agree 100%. I am getting depressed being cooped up in the house. I want to go do all the fun spring activities outside. I hope we actually get a spring sometime and not jump straight to 90 degree summer weather! I think it is nice of you to let your hubby sleep in! Sometimes we forget how hard they work too!

Brit said...