
8 Months Old!

8 Months Old

She has 2 teeth that appeared this week.

She crawled for the first time on Monday.

She pulls herself up on mommy all the time.

She's the best thing that we get to wake up to everyday.

One of her BFF's is Boston.

Boston just finished his ritz cracker and crawled on over to Isla to see if he could butter her up to give him hers.

Isla: "Oh, hey Boston. Do you want THIS cracker?"

"Ok, I'll feed it to you."

Boston: "Ugh. That was hard work trying to get a bite of a cracker. I'll roll on over and get a drink from my sippy cup."

Isla is loving her friends - but sometimes she has to warm up to them. For some reason she gets really upset that someone is in her territory. Then she gets over it and decides she can relax and play.

I think she knows that she's loved:

She loves seeing herself in the oven. She even gives herself kisses:

Naptimes are getting a little rougher. She realizes that she can sit up and pull herself up. Or stick her feet through the crib and wiggle them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is so cute! And those two are so funny together! I love the comentaries!