
Tika & Stumpy

Here's an update on our mini schnauzers: Tika is super fast! She runs circles around Stumpy, she is quite the spoiled dog when she hogs all the toys (doesn't agree with sharing), her tricks are: sit, stay, lay, roll, dance like a princess, army crawl, and shake.

Stumpy is just adorable. ha ha, he doesn't care much for toys he'd rather hang out with people, he also knows sit, stay, lay, roll, and jump. You can always count on Stumpy to warm your feet because he'd rather sit on the floor. He also has small-dog syndrome, he just doesn't know when to back down- even from the biggest dogs.

They are awesome dogs that keep us happy :)

1 comment:

Kristin and Dan said...

Your blog is so cute Tawni. It was fun hanging out with you guys on Saturday! Lets do it again soon.