
Busy Holiday Season

After the Highschool Party on Friday, Isla and I hurried down to SLC so that Mommy and Daddy could catch the Christmas Concert with the MOTAB Choir, Orchestra at Temple Square with guests David Archuleta and Michael York.

We met up with some great friends to eat at the Red Butte Cafe (so yum) before the concert.

Natalie, Me, and Stephanie.
While we were at the concert my beautiful nieces, Megan (below), and Cassidy watched Isla. We decided we would keep Megan for an extra day, and were spoiled with a "nanny". Megan was so great with Isla, I didn't change a diaper for two whole days! Isla enjoyed the time too with all the attention.

On Monday we met at Temple Square so that Megan could go home. So we got to look at the pretty lights and take a family pic.

Here's my other niece Cassidy, and nephew Tyler. They're getting so old! (17 & 16)

We attended a neighborhood Christmas Party at Micah's parents, and Michael and Halle Platt, came along too. Here's Michael and Isla chilling on the couch upstairs.

I've had to get calendars out for work, so micah helped me out with stuffing and stamping them:

I got to meet up with some of my great friends from Highschool, the Whitney's. Whitney (Francom) Crowther, and Whitney Johnson. We had a great time talking, and laughing about where life has taken us.


Isla's Blessing

December 5th
11 a.m.
Hyrum 1st Ward
It was a cold foggy day. But Isla was shining in her blessing dress that Grandma Gaysie (Micah's Momma) had made for her, from this:
To this:
Isn't it stunning?! She hand-beaded all the pin tucks on the bottom, to the lace and pearls up top. I was in tears when she showed it to me the first time. I am jealous of this talent Gaye has, and I couldn't of imagined it more perfect than what she did.

And of course it wasn't complete without some shoes that Gaye hand-dyed ivory:

As for the blessing done by Micah, it was so special - and I'm not one to cry and tear up at things like this, but when Micah was done, I had the silent tears rolling down.
I just love that we can be together forever, and that Isla has such a great family that loves her, and friends of ours that love her just as much. We thank everyone for trekking up to Cache Valley and for all their help at the luncheon -Chili and yummy cinnamon rolls- what a special day that we'll treasure in our hearts and memories!


More Isla!

We all knew it was going to happen, this blog should now be "Just Isla"...in fact I'll just change the blog name to that!

Here's some pictures that are just too cute:

Here's Kairie - Isla's cousin on my side. She a year and a month older than Isla. She wanted to sit in her carseat just like her cousin...but she just loves Isla so much she wants to touch her all the time....

"Kairie, NOOOOO!" poor baby Isla.

Here's Isla being so fun and smiley
The Uncle Battle, who's the favorite?!?

Uncle Travis:
Or...Uncle Ryan?!

Here is my Aunt Karla, who of course Isla was named after. Even after spitting up on Karla she was still smiling and playing with her. In fact this was the most playful I've seen her with anybody, besides me! It must be the name thing

Chunky cheeks!

Here's Isla at work with me. I love this sling, she will sleep all day in this.

Tummy time, good for about 5 minutes at a time.

So I had a "baby bin" for about 2 1/2 years, whenever I would find some cute clothes on clearance I would put them in the baby bin. The only problem is that you never know what season your baby will be born in! But she'll wear them all the same!


Breakfast With Santa @ The Grand America

December 4, 2010

We love this Platt family tradition, a scrumptious breakfast buffet complete with omelette bar, hot chocolate, smoothies, pancakes, eggs, waffles, french toast, bacon, sausage, yogurt, cereal, you name it they had it!

It was so fun to shop for Isla's christmas outfit too! Little girls are just too cute to dress up!

Here's the Hodlmair crew + Aliya gathered around the iPhone watching a movie while they were waiting for Santa. Man I can only imagine if we had something like this when I was a kid!!

Here's the Gardner crew, minus Micah's sister Brittany. She had to eat and run :(

Platt Juniors with some full tummy's, including Isla!

No I'm not really that tall. Micah just squatted down to make me feel included ;) Isla's cute little red shoes, that stayed on for a total of this picture. Darn cute baby shoes never stay on!

Milk coma:

Grandpa Stuke & Grandma Pink got to hang out with us for a couple of weeks. They left today to go back down to Cedar City, we will miss seeing them every week!

Here's the grandkiddos and great grandma and grandpa stuke, and matt ;) The girls were a little hesitant about those people all dressed in red...

Grandpa Dave, Grandma Gaye & Isla

Here's Micah with the October 1st girls :) I love that Aliya and Isla share the same birthday, there best friends already!

Platt Juniors and Mr. and Mrs. Clause

Can't wait for Christmas!!


2 Months Already??

Weight: 11 lbs 56%tile
Height: 23 in 72%tile
Head Circumfrence: 15 in 28%tile
Smiling: Check
Cooing: Check
Knows Mommy: Check
Doing great!


Child Labor??

Isla's personality has started to come out! It's so much fun to be around her when she is being silly and talking to me.

Usually she's sleeping when I'm at work, but lately she's been staying awake a little longer to see what all the commotion is about upstairs. So when she's crying and being fussy we bring her upstairs for a little bit, because sometimes she just wants to be by mommy :)

Helping mommy answer the phone:

Mommy: "Platt Insurance Agency, how can I help you?

Isla: Cooing and Aaahing

10 min later.... Ok Ok, I'm done talking on the phone, I'll greet people as they come in! Let me sit up like a big girl so I can see the door.

30 min later...Wow working is hard work, time for a power nap!

Here's a peek at what Isla likes to talk about:


thankful for...

We had an OK Thanksgiving. Isla and I came down with some head colds!! I think it was torture having a head cold during Thanksgiving - I couldn't taste any of the food! Poor Baby I was so stuffed up and fussy I didn't get much sleep either :(

We tried our best to be upbeat, but it was heavenly to just sleep! We were up in Logan this year and had fun chilling with the Uncles and cousin Kairie.

But I realized I got to be thankful for my baby girl this year! (Still so weird to say!) But she has brought out different personalities in Micah and I. Micah is just amazing juggling work, chores, being a daddy. He just loves Isla and jumps at the opportunity to get a hold of her once he gets off work.

He's just such a hard worker - even before baby was here he was always on the go. I'm still amazed at how much energy he has. I love that he lets me sleep whenever he's at home, he watches my "lame girly shows" with me. Plays Mario Kart, because that's the only game that I can compete with him in! He also surprised me this past weekend by doing ALL the housework! Ironing, cleaning, organizing, folding clothes, vacuum, etc. The house was spotless when I came home!

So here's to many more Thanksgiving's to come! Can't wait :)


Micah's Eye

A pterygium is a fleshy growth that invades the cornea (the clear front window of the eye). It is an abnormal process in which the conjunctiva (a membrane that covers the white of the eye) grows into the cornea.

A pinguecula is a yellowish patch or bump on the white of the eye, most often on the side closest to the nose. It is not a tumor but an alteration of normal tissue resulting in a deposit of protein and fat. Unlike a pterygium, a pinguecula does not actually grow onto the cornea. A pinguecula may also be a response to chronic eye irritation or sunlight.

Yesterday Micah had eye surgery. Everything went well and it was very successful! They had to scrape off the white/yellow growth and graphed some new eye tissue from the back of the eye.

This had been bothering him for a couple of months, and it was growing a lot. So when he went in to the opthamologist, who was so "impressed" at this growth that he took some pictures so he could put it in his book.

to the right of the eye you can see some white tissue

He had to have some eye dilating drops and just to make sure they got the right eye, they marked "Yes".

After surgery he had an eye patch that had some metal on it. looks like he's a robot!

So how does this happen? Well when Micah was a youngster he played a lot outside, and loved swimming. Well he had sunburned his eyes so much that years later this popped up. So Micah is a true advocate of sunglasses, hats, and sunscreen for our littleone now. So remember to duct tape those sunglasses and hats to your kiddos heads!!


I'm back!

It's been exactly a month since our lil' bundle of squeaks joined us! And yes, I've been resting and have been a mommy, and slacking on my blogging, facebook, homework, housework, etc. But I'm back!

Isla and I started work again today, and she's been doing great (so far) down in the basement sleeping. She slept for 5 hours last night!! I woke up after 3 and wondered what was going on...

We've been up to Logan twice so far, and she's done amazing. I think she likes the uncles and grandpa who dotes on her in the wee hours of the night/morning (they all work grave or swing shift) so she was happy to have someone holding her that was wide awake too.

We attended our first sacrament meeting with success, just a big burp in the middle of someone's testimony.

Micah and I are now trained to function on minimal sleep. She trained us good ;)

But it's amazing at how when I was home all day long nothing would get done. Well..until 30 minutes before Micah was going to come home I tidied up just a bit :) But now I'm energized to get her room all organized, and our master bedroom.

So now I have to catch up on all my other blogging friends to see what has happened in the past month!



Isla had her 2 week appointment yesterday and she is one healthy girl! She's 7lbs14oz, 21.5in, and doing great.

I laugh when she eats. I try my best to feed her before she get's too hungry, but I'm not perfect. So she gets upset and starts snorting/crying, so when I get her latched on she gets excited she's gulping the milk down so fast she's choking, so I have to pull her off to let her catch her breath, then she gets mad. It's quite the adventure at feeding times.

Micah and I are still adjusting to the no sleeping schedules! We can't wait for the night that she sleeps more than 3-4 hours at a time :) But we're enjoying the newborn stage and seeing her open her eyes longer and longer everyday.

The new apartment is amazing - Isla and I can take naps during the day, and Micah can get some sleep whenever he wants. Our neighbors aren't too bad either! We actually live right across the hall from Micah's cousin - Michael Platt. Yes, our poor mailman has to deal with Micah Platt & Michael Platt. We've already had some mail mix ups.

But poor Michael and his wife Halle - they came over last night and said we had to come and see something. They had MUSHROOMS growing in the corner of the front room. Halle had called back in July to say that they had some water damage, but the property manager didn't get back to her. So Halle kept reporting the same problem, well she went to go and clean and moved her furniture to find the mushrooms growing in the carpet! GROSS. I'm sad that I didn't get a picture of it, but it was disgusting.

So that has been our exciting lives over the past few weeks. I still need to organize our master bedroom - have you ever noticed that's the last place to get done when you move? It is for us.

We also got Isla's baby pics (as you can see) and we're so excited to get them hung up in her bedroom and add another one in the front room! Well got to go and get dinner ready for the man bringing home the bacon!!


Isla Love

(*Gaye! We don't have a picture of you and her yet!! We need to correct this!)

We're so happy to report how wonderful Isla is doing. She's such a good baby and loves snuggling with anyone. We had her first photo shoot with Jacque and can't wait to see the rest of the pictures (the pumpkin one was the only one she sent us)

She has her daddy's nose, cupids bow lip, and pretty certain his blue eyes. But maybe she has my hair - but then again I was born with black hair, and her's is a dark brown.

Everyone has been so amazing with helping us out, cooking, cleaning, ironing, etc. My mom got to stay with us for a week and it was great to spend some time with her. Some other news is that we moved. Again. Now that's it's over it's kind of funny. Kind of.

We had been living in the basement apartment and even though it was a great family and amazing ward we just weren't getting an 8 hour block of time to sleep. They had teenagers and they would stay up til 10:30 or 11pm, and then the mom would get up at 5am, then people were up and getting ready until 8:30 am.

So now we're in Cottonwood Heights in an apartment, that is so quiet :) Mommy and Daddy are now getting some sleep. We are about done with all the unpacking and organizing. But I don't suggest moving with a one week baby! Even though I didn't do anything - lifting, unpacking, organizing. It was still stressful! Now that Isla and I are getting into a routine I'm excited to start exercising and getting my body back in shape!!