
thankful for...

We had an OK Thanksgiving. Isla and I came down with some head colds!! I think it was torture having a head cold during Thanksgiving - I couldn't taste any of the food! Poor Baby I was so stuffed up and fussy I didn't get much sleep either :(

We tried our best to be upbeat, but it was heavenly to just sleep! We were up in Logan this year and had fun chilling with the Uncles and cousin Kairie.

But I realized I got to be thankful for my baby girl this year! (Still so weird to say!) But she has brought out different personalities in Micah and I. Micah is just amazing juggling work, chores, being a daddy. He just loves Isla and jumps at the opportunity to get a hold of her once he gets off work.

He's just such a hard worker - even before baby was here he was always on the go. I'm still amazed at how much energy he has. I love that he lets me sleep whenever he's at home, he watches my "lame girly shows" with me. Plays Mario Kart, because that's the only game that I can compete with him in! He also surprised me this past weekend by doing ALL the housework! Ironing, cleaning, organizing, folding clothes, vacuum, etc. The house was spotless when I came home!

So here's to many more Thanksgiving's to come! Can't wait :)

1 comment:

Kristin and Dan said...

Hope that you and baby Isla get feeling better SOON! Happy Thanksgiving!!