

Isla had her 2 week appointment yesterday and she is one healthy girl! She's 7lbs14oz, 21.5in, and doing great.

I laugh when she eats. I try my best to feed her before she get's too hungry, but I'm not perfect. So she gets upset and starts snorting/crying, so when I get her latched on she gets excited she's gulping the milk down so fast she's choking, so I have to pull her off to let her catch her breath, then she gets mad. It's quite the adventure at feeding times.

Micah and I are still adjusting to the no sleeping schedules! We can't wait for the night that she sleeps more than 3-4 hours at a time :) But we're enjoying the newborn stage and seeing her open her eyes longer and longer everyday.

The new apartment is amazing - Isla and I can take naps during the day, and Micah can get some sleep whenever he wants. Our neighbors aren't too bad either! We actually live right across the hall from Micah's cousin - Michael Platt. Yes, our poor mailman has to deal with Micah Platt & Michael Platt. We've already had some mail mix ups.

But poor Michael and his wife Halle - they came over last night and said we had to come and see something. They had MUSHROOMS growing in the corner of the front room. Halle had called back in July to say that they had some water damage, but the property manager didn't get back to her. So Halle kept reporting the same problem, well she went to go and clean and moved her furniture to find the mushrooms growing in the carpet! GROSS. I'm sad that I didn't get a picture of it, but it was disgusting.

So that has been our exciting lives over the past few weeks. I still need to organize our master bedroom - have you ever noticed that's the last place to get done when you move? It is for us.

We also got Isla's baby pics (as you can see) and we're so excited to get them hung up in her bedroom and add another one in the front room! Well got to go and get dinner ready for the man bringing home the bacon!!


Megan said...

Aw, she's adorable! Glad you're settling in to the new place! :)

Kristin and Dan said...

I absolutely LOVE her newborn pictures! And I love her big ol tutu! I'm happy to hear that she is doing so well!

Jake and Lena B. said...

she is so precious! I hope the new mom is getting some good rest :) That's tough having a newborn and a new place...good luck!

Rebecca said...

Those are beautiful pictures of Isla! So glad you are in a new place where you can 'sleep when she sleeps' no matter what time of day. Hope things continue to go well!

Ellen Oates said...

So sweet! I love the tiny bum!

ren said...

Isla is such a sweet little princess!!! She is so beautiful!
That is crazy about the mushrooms growing! So gross! Glad you are in a quite place now though!!
Let us know when you're up to hanging out! We'd love to grab dinner or something :) and we have a little something for Isla! Call us when you're ready...I know the first few months are a huge adjustment! Hope you're feeling well and getting rest :)