
The Shanking of Stumpy...

Poor, poor, poor, poor, Stumpy. The cute lil' guy was getting his haircut by "daddy", and since Stumpy is so hairy we have to cut him down with the scissors, and then use the clippers. So Micah had the scissors in hand and went to cut....Stumpy jumped!!! and the scissors got him!!! This is when I walked in from school, and Micah comes in with Stumpy in his arms saying "Babe, I think we've got a problem." Then showing me Stumpy's back right leg, there was a dime-sized hole!!

So after we called the Vet to make sure that we didn't need to take him in for stitches, we cleaned and got the gauze and tape out...this is the result:

He's doing great, and seems like himself so we'll monitor the owie!

1 comment:

Brit said...

poor doggy! Della and Aliya send him their love!