A Few Fun Pics From AZ
Sweet Stadium we went to see the Florida Marlins VS. The Diamondbacks.
116 degrees outside.
80 Degrees Inside!!!Technology is Awesome!!!
Nice Seats
No we didnt' have seats behind home plate, but we did sneak in to some later ha ha ha!
I'm still wondering where this taco stand was.
Went Golfing and suprise suprise...
Bill in the fairway again blah blah blah I know he's good former pro
Whatever!!! Just kidding he's fun to play with.
The finishing 18th pretty tough course called "Las Sendas"
Yeah and after the round it wasn't too hot............ oh wait it was ouch!!!!!!
Happy Birthday to....me!!
Micah's parents spoiled with dinner that night, they like to spoil ;), and I headed back home. I was so tired!
So it was a busy and great 22nd birthday...man I feel old now ;) ha ha.
Happy Birthday Travis!
He's sadly back East, in Boston Massachusetts for work :( So we don't get to see him on his birthday, but we sure do wish him all the best!
Here's a limited edition, caught only a few times on camera: a normal travis.
Here's the good ol' Trav with our "adopted" siblings, Tanner and Danny
4th Of JuLy WeeKend!
We stayed at the Hampton Inn, which I totally recommend because a suite costs as much as a regular hotel room on the strip, you don't have to wait as long for elevators, and you get a lounge chair at the pool!
Race Car, that Micah had to get a picture with! He wanted me to pose like one of those race car girls with their bums touching the car, or something inappropriate. I refused. It was a family place. (He was totally joking)