
Hmmm...what to do?

So me and micah have separated for the summer, we're coming up on the week mark :(

But here's what I've found out since Micah's been gone:

1. Go to bed early=wake up early

2. More housework gets done, no handsome distractions.

3. I think of what I can tell Micah when he calls at night

4. Golfing is getting better

5. Running with pups in the morning

6. Mow the lawn alot. Stupid rain.

7. Homework is alot harder without Micah.

8. I cook alot more

9. Facebook is more entertaining

So even though I'm cooking, and mowing the lawn, I would much rather trade all that for Micah being here with me!!! I'm so proud of him, and we're so grateful for the job that he has now.


Brit said...

there's nothing like a little distance to make you appreciate the good things about each other, eh?. Way to go mowing the lawn! and cooking! If you ever need an outing, or a place to go, or something to do, our door is always open for Aunt Nawni!

Kristin and Dan said...

Good luck this summer!! That's awesome you've been cooking - since Dan started working these insanely long hours I just cook for myself now, but I can't justify cooking for just one person so I end up eating cereal like every night. Ha ha!