
Family Pictures

We had a GREAT time with Jacque doing our family photos. Jacque gave us two choices either downtown Salt Lake, or Midvale. Since Midvale was closer, and it wasn't warming up too quickly we headed on over.

Micah called this street "little Mexico" because it reminded him of his mission in Mexico. Plus there was more of a latino crowd around.

The pups did great too, they didn't run, Tika's bat ears kept going down because we kept saying "STAY" and she get's a little confused because she wasn't doing anything but staying. Stumpy...well he's just Stumpy, he doesn't really know what's going on at all times.

I love family pictures, my family wasn't too big on them when I was growing up so I'm an advocate for them. My dad and siblings get a little annoyed because I'm always bugging them about getting pictures taken together. I believe God sent me to my family as the 'Family Historian'. But they'll thank me later when we're older and they are showing their children/grandchildren what they have done, or looked like in the good ol' days ;)

Good thing I married a guy who will indulge me and sit in front of the camera for me with no complaints!


Taylor, Jeniece, Baby Kayana said...

These are so fun! I just think your dog are so cute. I wish my dog was good enough to sit in front of a camera. He would just run around and bark at people. Can't wait to hang out!

Kristin and Dan said...

Your pictures are really cute, I like them a lot. And I have heard New Moon is way better than the first one, I need to go see it ASAP! And I wouldn't have made it past midnight either, I am a wuss lately when it comes to my bedtime! ha ha :)

Ellen Oates said...

Cute pictures! I love the leaves ones! You guys are so cute. It was nice bumping into you guys on Saturday. Have a good time in Arizona.

The Marcheschis said...

I absolutely LOVE these! super cute. We are missing you and Micah... can we bump into each other soon???