
9 Months

9 Months Old

Weight: 20.5 lbs 76%tile
Height: 28 in 64%tile
Head: 17.5 in 60%tile

We've been neglecting the blog! It must be Summer because you can always find Isla in her carrier hiking around with us.

Traveling up to Logan to help Grandpa Kenny with computer stuff....ok she more bangs on the keyboard and shoves it off the desk. But it's alright, because Grandpa K says it's ok, and I can do whatever I want with him.

She is also crawling everywhere trying to keep up with BFF Boston. Pulling herself up everywhere, walking along the furniture, and all that jazz.

We just love being around her, she is a very happy thing and still has her chunky cheeks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Happy Isla! Happy 9 months!!!