

These past couple of days has been total teamwork between these three! What great siblings they are to each other, and how they don't let their egos ever interfere :)

There grandparents aren't doing so well, they're 90 and 91, and living down in Cedar City has been rough because they are far away. Grandpa has had some recent surgeries (knee in the Spring, and hip a month ago) and now Grandma is starting to feel her hip is going :( They've lived in the same house that Grandpa built when they were newlyweds 60 years ago, so it was hard for them to imagine leaving their home.

Gaye and David were gone on vacation when we got a call that they needed help asap on friday. We got someone to get down there and collect some belongings and bring them up to an amazing, loving home called "Le Platt Chateau" aka: Gaye and Davids home where we're staying :)

So between Camie {a physical therapist} Brittany {an amazing cook and baker} and Micah {a strong guy to help lift and transport up and down the stairs} we got through 2 days of helping Grandma and Grandpa feel comfortable in their "new home" for right now! But we're glad that Gaye and David made it back safely and can step in with their expertise and love.

I know that each one of them is going through a hard time watching a loved one go through pain, my Grandpa passed away in 2006 and it was bittersweet, bitter because he was younger for a Grandpa to pass away, but sweet because he was free from the pain of his second round with cancer :) So as a spouse and in-law to those close to him I can just give my love and support from the side and let them work through it as a team and give a quick hug and reassuring smile.

It's a full house with Sr. Platts, Jr. Platts and now Grandpa and Grandma! But I think that being around family is the best medicine sometimes, the comfort of knowing someone that loves you so near is a relief!

1 comment:

Brit said...

I do have some awesome siblings, that's for sure! And a pretty great sis-in-law too!

and, if it's ever crowded over there, feel free to drop by! :)