
10 things

thanks rebecca!
Terms of this award: must list 10 things about yourself, thank the person who gave you this award and pass it on to 10 wonderful bloggers.

1. I was a nail-biter when I was young. Gross, I know. So now I get really conscious of my nails.

2. I will try any food at least once. That way if I have tried it, then Micah can't say to me "Well you can't knock it until you try it." For example when we went to Key West, Florida and I tried FIVE different kinds of key lime pie (and still didn't like it) Micah will never make me try key lime pie again.

3. I'm not a sentimental person with keeping things. If I haven't used it in 6 months or more then it's finding a new home. Of course things such as baby blessing outfits, silverware, my dad's book of mormon he carried in the army, jewelry, etc. is very different than clothes, and things that get stuffed in a junk drawer/closet.

4. I believe in second chances. If I were to live my life holding grudges then I wouldn't be a very happy person. So I always make sure to give people another chance.

5. I love remodeling. Love it. In fact, if Micah and I were to find a house that was a fixer-upper I would be in heaven. I wouldn't mind living in sawdust for a couple of months.

6. I enjoy golfing. Something that I can do with my hubby, dad, and brothers is always a plus. I also hear from them that I'm pretty good...for a girl ;)

7. I get random headaches and migraines out of nowhere. When I was 8 years old, my younger brother opened up the truck door while I was leaning against it, and I fell out head first onto gravel. We did a CAT scan, MRI, saw some specialists, and there was nothing they could find that was causing my random headaches/migraines.

8. I was a tom-boy growing up. I even wore boys shirts when I wasn't in a frilly dress and bows. I grew up riding dirt bikes, four wheelers, snowmobiling, camping, fishing, and loved every minute of it. My mom didn't know what to do with me.

9. I am usually wearing high-heels and wedges. I am short at 5'3" but people don't realize that until I'm in flip flops and standing next to Micah. He's almost a foot taller than me.

10. I can't wait to be a mom. It's going to be so much different than being a full-time nanny. I'll make my own rules and figure out stuff along the way. I'm especially intrigued at what our parenting style will be.

I tag:
1. Ren
2. Shaughnessy
3. Brittany
4. Dani
5. Ellen
6. Chelse
7. Kristin
9. Brooke
10. Sierra

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

I had no idea you were 5"3...I always thought you were tall! haha. And you a tom-boy? That's funny! Never would've guessed!

ps. I want to see another pic of that baby bump!