
20 weeks

we're at the half-way point this week!
  • we had our appointment on wednesday and everything is looking great. baby isla likes to be curled up in a ball whenever the technician is taking a look, so i get jabbed in the stomach a lot to get her to move.
  • isla's stats:
  • weight: 12 oz
  • length: size of a banana
  • tawni's stats:
  • weight gained so far: 6 lbs
  • belly measurement: 35 1/2 inches
  • everything is going great. i had my first round with acid reflex yesterday night after some cafe rio. guess i'm not gonna try that again!
  • and i also have to mention that i feel like a retard taking belly pictures. how do you pose?! (i was talking to micah as he was taking this picture) ha ha


abichristi said...

acid reflex can mean a cute head of hair on little isla! Get the bows ready!

K S & R said...

I just stood straight with my hands to my side... I know, I felt like an idiot everytime too. :) I had heartburn from day one- no fun! But guess what? It was gone the second Ryon was born! So it WILL go away! yay!

Rebecca said...

Cute!!! When I had preggo shots I always made Jake take like 20 pictures of me because certain angles on me when I was pregnant just made me look chubby! haha. I love the baby bump on ya, too cute! Congrats on being 1/2 way!

ren said...

I have seriously missed your cute baby updates! Thanks for the crossed fingers :-) Maybe we'll finally be able to hangout when we move down! Unless you guys are going to be moving to Michigan?! I never heard if that worked out or not.
Seriously, you are the cutest little momma! You've only gained 6 lbs?! Lucky girl! I hope you keep feeling good! Tell that acid reflux to stay away, such a nasty thing.
Thanks for the cute tag! I'm excited to think of my 10 things :-)