
22 Week Picture

So technically we're 6 months this week, but I forgot to post our 22 week pic. Not much of a difference, but I'm starting to love being free from the restraints of clothing when I'm in the comfort of my own home *hehe*

This past week I could really feel my stomach growing. But I've seen her kick, I tried to call Micah to come and see, but she all of a sudden got shy and stopped.

We also leave for San Diego next Thursday! With a pit stop in Las Vegas of course :) So now comes the fun part, what to wear for a swimsuit and dress when you're prego!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Aww cute belly! I love it!

As for swimsuits when preggo...Tankinis are the way to go! You can get maternity ones that are tighter around the chest and then it's a looser fit around the belly so it'll fit you as your belly gets bigger! :)