

My New Year's Resolutions are pretty simple, nothing too fancy. Micah makes fun of me because since it's the second day of the New Year I have pretty much done a lot on my list already, I think it's better get it over with and then I don't have to worry about it until next year!


To start off my list: Vacuum under all the heavy furniture. Beds, dresser, couch. Micah decided the bed needed to be tightened too.

WARNING: This is disgusting. The container was empty before.

Meet my 2nd best friend: Dyson Absolute Animal. We've been through a lot together, and he continues to perform just the same as the first day.

AFTER: voila! clean of dust :)

This valet is amazing! If you have a husband who has to dress up in business attire, I suggest this gadget. It's a personal valet that hangs over your door, Micah has gotten into the habit of putting his clothes on the dining room table. Problem fixed.

I didn't take a before picture of the master bathroom. But the cabinet was a mess! I got to throw away a lot of things, and wipe down everything.

BEFORE: Master closet.

AFTER: Master closet.
I loves shoes. L-o-v-e them. So I have to remember to rotate them for the seasons. Micah was a sweetheart and got me this shelf that works as a shoe organizer.

I got some bins and a hamper from Bed Bath & Beyond, organized my clothes into groups, and cleaned all the surfaces.

BEFORE: Kitchen.

AFTER: Re-organize all the containers, wipe the cabinets, clean out fridge/freezer, wipe every inch of the counter, and on top of the cabinets.

I am now a "2 junk drawer" person. With so much storage space it was getting ridiculous of things accumulating anywhere they ended up. It was 3 1/2 drawers + one shelf in pantry of junk. Now it's just 2! Yeah!

Last thing of the day: Organizing the file bin.
I found a fire and water proof safe on KSL for sale, so we decided it was a good investment and bought it. Then came the chore of going through our file system of 2 1/2 years and throw out old useless things, and put our most important documents into the safe.
It was great to pull out our marriage certificate, and look at everything closely again.
Well...at least I thought so, Micah just rolled his eyes and was probably thinking "Uh, here she goes again with all the sentimental stuff" ;)

So there's the majority of my list of organizing so far. We still have the bookcases in the guest bedroom, scrapbook bin, organize photos, and the big one is putting our favorite images onto CD's and file them away.


Rebecca said...

Way to go! Isn't it such a good feeling to be organized? A few weeks ago we finally organized our guest bedroom and it was so nice to finally have an actual guest bedroom and not just a spare junk room! :)

Brit said...

Pink would be so proud. You should call her and brag! I'm also glad you did some organizing and tossing out of things; going to wear new jeans, a new sweater and new shoes today and take my new purse with me! thanks a million!!!

K S & R said...

I finally got my files organized too! It sucks to get started (which is why I put it off so long), but it feels so good to get done!