
Sushi Night & Belly Pic

Who loves sushi?

Who doesn't love the price of sushi?!

Well we have some great friends (The Steadmans) that have all the equipment, and know some great fish places here in SLC. So we did a Kung-Fu-Samurai-Sushi-Night and we made our own!

Here's Micah rolling some sushi after Dan (in the red) showed him the technique. Micah got it down quick, and was making some yummy, and some interesting, sushi rolls!

Here's some of our ending sushi rolls. There was 3 of us couples, each couple paid $20 and we were stuffed full of sushi! I was in heaven...Some might gag at the thought of raw fish. But I l.o.v.e. sushi

I've been horrible at taking pictures lately. But here's the other couple, and Dan's wife below. They all have little girls already, so we decided we could hang out with them since they're pros at raising cute princesses. We'll need all the tips, and advice we can get!

And finally the belly pic:

We're 35 weeks today!

Baby Weight: 5 1/4 lbs

I've gained: 25 lbs

Belly Measurement: 40 inches

Heartburn: At nights

Swollen feet: Not yet

Sleeping: Not that well

Excited: Heck YES!!!


Jake and Lena B. said...

You're gettin there!! 2 more weeks and you will be "full term"! I had both my babies at barely 37 weeks! :)

Anonymous said...

You are so cute Tawn! You make a hot pregnant chick! By the way I'm totally jealous you had sushi. I love it and haven't had it in a long time. I hope everything is going great. I love seeing pics of you grow.